My name is Phyllis Graham, I’m a Registered Nurse with the State of Florida, Department of Health. I serve four Catholic schools in Duval, St. Paul Catholic School, St. Patrick Catholic School, Resurrection Catholic School, and Guardian Catholic School under St. Vincent’s. I have been a nurse for over 35 years, attending FCCJ of Jacksonville, Fla, graduating with a AS Degree. My love and passion for nursing was always toward Geriatrics nursing because I feel that the elderly population needed more caring nurses and I would benefit from taking care of them. I have worked Home Care, Med Surgery, Perineal Dialysis, flow nurse to ER, Oncology and Infection units in hospital. After leaving hospital setting, I ventured into Rehabilitation/Nursing Home, where I cared for patients with hips, knees, joint surgery, and medical care. While at Rehabilitation I learned another skill, MDS coordinator (Minimum Data Set), I assess and evaluate the quality of care being given to short and long-term care residents, complete an assessment for facility reimbursement by the government. This assessment includes other team members, such as therapy, dietary, social worker, etc. I became a school nurse when caring for my elderly mother and my beautiful twin granddaughters. I have been a school nurse for 7 years with the Department of Health. One thing I know about the young and elderly: they are so much alike, they love telling you a story, they are young at heart, require care and intervention of others, protection and can be very vulnerable at times. As my mom would say, “just keep on living and you’re get there too,” and “once a man and twice a child.” This is so true that we live our lives and return to God as a child that we once were.